You can tell you are an Audi fanatic when...

Peter Golledge petergg at
Tue Sep 26 10:21:49 EDT 2000

Got meet the paper delivery guy at 4:30 am while finishing up the
belt replacement in my Audi.  He was driving past in an 86 5K and
when he saw my two Audis including the one I was working on.  Turns out
this young guy arrived from Bosnia not so long ago and is working the
paper delivery stuff while a student.

His 86 has a couple of problems so while I was checking it out I noticed
that the drivers side engine mount was totally shot.  I mentioned this
and he asked if they were expensive :-)   I just smiled and handed him 
the "good" mount I took out of the wagon a couple of months back, told 
him it might last a year or two.  Also gave him the Audifans URL so
that he might learn a little about Audi maintenance.

Peter Golledge

89 200TQ (Wagon + Sedan), 79 Porsche 930, 89 SAAB 900i

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