purchase assistance urS4

packley packley at bellatlantic.net
Tue Sep 26 10:19:12 EDT 2000

I am purchasing (Ebay bid winner) a black/black 1993 urS4 from a dealer in
Randolph, Ma, and am looking for someone who can check the car out for me
quickly, and earn a quick inspection fee for their efforts.

I would like to close the inspection by Wednesday and therefore am asking
for some quick coordination and assistance.

If anyone knows someone in the Randolph, Ma (12 miles south of Boston, 3
miles south of 93 & 24 intersection) who can check this machine for me, let
me know, by calling me at 3014405529 or email directly to this email site.

Phil Ackley
83 urquattro
91 Avant

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