Playin Nice

Unka Bart gatorojo at
Tue Sep 26 19:51:59 EDT 2000

There I was, sitting there idly (and how sweet that is, I might add, but I
digress), minding my own business, when, *bingo!*  Straight out of the
ether and into my aching eye-holes, this bit of silliness...

> I'll admit, my sources were wrong.  Now, you admit you aren't playing nice.
> Grow up.
> Tom Nas wrote:

> > I'd say. And what will we tell those poor guys and gals in Gyor, *Hungary*,
> > who are under the false impression that they're building TTs?
> >
> > Tom

Although I personally am not a Christian, brother Theron J. Bliss, I
commend to you the words of the very first one, the Christ himself.
"Physician, Heal thyself."

And, by the way, brother Theron J. Bliss, before we continue on this
subject, are you aware of all this extraneouos crap at the bottom of this
message that accompanies each and every one of your (unedited) missives to
the list?  Do you actually *want* us all to know this much about you?  Your
own privacy aside (and that's something you just might want to give some
passing thought to), one wonders, idly, Why?

But nevermind that.  You, Theron (May I call you Theron, Theron, ol'
rutabaga?) are being unjustifiably patronizing, and not to mention, rude,
to one of the *nicest* guys on the list, a guy who once came all the way
from the Nederland to share some time with a bunch of other fine guys on
this very list on the occassion of the 75th running of the Pike's Peak
Hillclimb and Quattro Group Grope.

You, Theron ol' rutabaga, made an unquallified statement; offering it as an
authoritative pronouncement of the ungarbled word.  You said nary a word,
not peep one, in fact to indicate that this was something that you had read
somewhere, or heard standing around the urinal down in some seedy bar (and
thus might possibly not be quite as authoritative as it sounded.

And now, when called on it, in the *gentlest* manner imaginable; you lack
the good grace to take the blame and admit that *you* were wrong.  Unless,
of course, you would care to quote the text in which you said "My sources
tell me that..."

Not to put too fine a point on this, but we have no idea whether you
actually *had* any sources, or whether what you stated was, as we politely
say, rectal data.

But we *do* know that *you* were wrong.

Then you compound your boorish behavior by telling Brother Tom to "Grow Up."

That, Theron, ol' rutabaga, is what we grown-ups call "rich!"  (OK, I'll
buy "a bit much...," that works too)

Now, observe, Theron, ol kumquat, I hold out my hand.  My fingers, tightly
together and extended, begin to curl towards my thumb.  As the process
continues, I begin to form what we grown-ups call a "Grip."

Do get one at your earliest convenience, there's a good fellow...

Be an adult.  Apologize to Tom and the rest of us, and we, in turn, will
forgive you and love you henceforth.

Yer Kindly ol' Unka Bart

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