"new" car, new co$tly problem$???

William Magliocco magliocc at rocketmail.com
Tue Sep 26 19:49:23 EDT 2000

Ok, boys, I went and did it...'93 100 is now mine. 
90,500 on odo.

But it is sick and needs input from the gallery.

Alas, Birmingham Alabama does not do smog testing. 
Atlanta does, and my new toy failed.  The results are
as follows:

HC (ppm) 098, limit 117-PASS
CO  (%)  0.29, limit 0.65-PASS
NO (ppm) 1171, limit 821-FAIL
CO+CO2 (%) 14.2, min 6.0-PASS

I also note a intermittent "check engine" light.  It
seems to come on at idle more than at hard load
condtions.  Most easily noticed when idling AFTER a
freeway run.

Don't have the books yet, so help me pull the codes so
I don't have to buy cats the car (hopefully) does not need.

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