S6 - battery dieing

capalmer at nortelnetworks.com capalmer at nortelnetworks.com
Wed Sep 27 14:54:13 EDT 2000

About three weeks back the battery (original) in my '95 S6
died. So I had it replaced. Now the new battery is getting
weaker and weaker each morning and evening when I go to start
the car. Also, when I turn the key from off to on (but before
engaging the starter) the sunroof will, two times out of three,
just open fully (in fact it seems to try to go past fully open).

Any ideas?

Chris Palmer (1995.5 S6 Avant)         "Ashes to ashes,
Sustaining IBM/Switched Protocols       dust to dust,
Nortel Networks                         if Lillee don't get you,
capalmer at nortelnetworks.com             Thommo must."

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