Good driving roads in Vermont?

joel nevin joelnevin at
Thu Sep 28 06:06:16 EDT 2000

Rte 100
Rte 2
Any of the secondary roads around Warren/Waitsfield;
around Mad River Glenn and Sugarbush, great views due
to the mountain ranges in that area. Appalachian gap!!
tons of twisties, so tight that you'll probably never
get out of 1st gear. Also rte 12 and 12A are nice

--- "Topley, Trevor" <TTOPLEY at> wrote:
> We are going to escape for a couple of days to
> Vermont next week to enjoy
> the fall colours and find some interesting roads for
> our 200q to stretch its
> legs on. Crossing into NY from Ont at the East end
> of L Ont on Tues AM,
> planning to go around the bottom of L Champlain and
> upto Stowe, where we
> will be staying Tues night. Touring around Weds and
> staying near Ludlow. We
> have an AAA book that shows some scenic routes but
> would like to hear of any
> "must see" drives that any local listers can
> reccomend,
> In anticipation
> 		Trevor Topley 200q 1.9bar and bypass valve. 
> 		Elora Ont.
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