1991 200T

Michael Murphy mjmjr at optonline.net
Fri Sep 29 05:33:59 EDT 2000

Andrew Lundy wrote:
> Remember these cars are designed for use in Germany where higher speeds are
> obtained much more often.  This feature is less important here in the states
> but still a nice safety feature to have!!

So I'm driving to work early one foggy morning - I've got the rear fog
light on.  At a stop light, the guy that's been behind me (in the dorF
pickup w/the row of yellow marker lights across the cab) pulls along
side, beeps his horn and we exchange the following:

"hey buddy, one of your brake lights is stuck on."
"That's a fog light". 
"A FOG light".
"Why do you need..."

Thankfully, I was turning.
Mike Murphy

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