1991 200T

larry leung l.leung at juno.com
Fri Sep 29 08:36:58 EDT 2000

My '89 200Q has only one (driver's side) rear fog. 


------Original Message------
From: Gerard <gerard at poboxes.com>
To: Quattro List <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: September 29, 2000 10:23:19 AM GMT
Subject: Re: 1991 200T

A single rear fog light on a 200t? I assume this was on the 20-valve
only then. It's been a year since I last drove my '89 200 and I swear it
had 2 at the back. :)

By the way, foglights are not only good for simply making yourself
visible in the dark, they also function as:

  1) BMW marking devices in perfectly clear weather. These seems to be
     the only cars I know of that have an inability to switch off those

  2) brake light mimics which are good when you're been tailgated by
     some nut in a 1100cc fully bodykitted Mazda/Golf/Fiat who thinks
     you're hogging his lane at his max speed of 90km/h. Just turn them
     on and watch the panic begin behind you.


gerard at poboxes.com
q-list info: 1989/90 200 (mac13a MC-1)
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