Looking for good shop for repair/refinishing wheels

RJA konecc at snet.net
Tue Apr 3 23:10:27 EDT 2001

I had an alloy wheel from a 92 Passat repaired by Precision Wheel Service,
Inc., they charged me $125 several years ago to repair a fairly serious curb
scrape, resurface, paint and clearcoat the wheel.  They did a very nice job.
Unfortunately a short time later, my father scraped two other wheels and by
that time it was winter and time for steel wheels and snow tires.  Next
spring he sold the car, so now I have a set of 4 wheels left over (which are
also for sale).  See http://www.geocities.com/konecc/Passat_wheels.html for
complete address and phone number for Precision Wheel Service and pictures
of the repaired wheel (#1).  Its damage was similar to #3 and #4.

-- Rich
   83 Coupe GT

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