Looking for good shop for repair/refinishing wheels

Lee M. Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Tue Apr 3 23:29:08 EDT 2001

schott at abam.com writes:

> I've had very little luck searching this subject in the past, but
> the Google search is great.
> Sorry for wasting the bandwidth.  Would still like to hear if
> anyone on the list has had experience with AAA Rims, Foster Wheel or
Factory Direct.

There's a wheel straightening/refinishing shop in Newton, Mass, that does a
pretty good job. I took a 16" forged wheel off my old Range Rover to them
and they were able to straighten the wheel without ruining the paint.

I watched them do it...pretty neat old world heat/bend/heat work. Not too
hot, just enough to make the metal a bit pliable. Course you metallurgists
on the list will inform me that the wheel is now toast due to the heat
cycling, but that's how they did it, and the wheel held up fine after that.

They do a lot of refinishing of specialty wheels (car and motorcycle) and
can probably handle anything that we could come up with off an Audi.

Here's the contact information:

	Rim and Wheel Works Inc. -  Wheel straightening, welding, re-machining,
	chrome plating and painting
	285 Newtonville Ave. - Newton, MA (617) 964-0226 or (800) 261-0495


'95.5 S6 avant (with chewed up 16" Avus wheels)
'96 A6 quattro avant (with pretty 16" A4 5 spoke wheels)

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