Loss of Braking power on 100CSQ Avant

David Torrey RNE905 at Maine.Edu
Fri Apr 6 10:55:57 EDT 2001

Hi All -

Thanks to all who replied, (Todd Young, Elliott Potter,Tony Lum and Andrew
Lundy).  The Bentley manual is such a joy to read.  I don't think the 100
has the accumulator either.  The Bentley makes the transition from the 100,
A6 to the S6 with such clarity.  In looking at it again, I think only the S6
has the accumulator.  There is also a pressure regulator attached to the
body near the rear brake caliper.  It has an arm with a spring attached and
it must move when the brakes are applied,  according to the Bentley.  It is
not clear to me if the 100 has this or not.  I'll just have to look.

I flushed and bled the brake system 1 year a go.   As the above people
pointed out it could be  a vacuum leak to the booster or the booster is
defective.  Could also be the rear brake caliper sticking, but my emergency
brake seems to work fine.  I changed the front brake pads last fall and
lubricated the guide pins so I think the front calipers are ok.  Didn't get
a chance to check out the rear before cold weather set in.

Looks like I need to focus on the booster or rear brakes.  Will try and get
to it this weekend.  Winter here refuses to release it's grip.

As a side note, I took the 100 to the dealer for the LA recall.  They
changed the fuel line and fittings.  Service manager said mine had not been
leaking.  Job went well.  They even filled my tank with premium fuel.  A
step up for me, I usually use mid-grade.  Brake problem existed before the

Best Regards
David Torrey

'93 100CSQ Avant  128K miles
'88 Saab 900S  213K miles
'87 Saab 900S  207K miles
'79 BMW 320i   100K miles

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