Subject: New Bently CDROM review

C1J1Miller at C1J1Miller at
Fri Apr 6 10:55:43 EDT 2001

Jacques Fournier wrote:
<My review of the new Bentley Manuals on CD-ROM is:
<I have never used a more convoluted product. 
<Microsoft must have developed this thing.  It is next
<to impossible to ascertain which model your looking at
<when trying to find procedures etc...  The printed
<pages are horrible and if you don't have at least a
<17-inch monitor you have to move around too much to
<get the whole picture.  It also takes forever to
<navigate through numerous pages.
<My Brother in law is a developer and he said this
<product was designed to make it hard to use without
<the CD or to copy but has lost allot of functionality
<in the process.  If you can get a book, do so.
Hi Jacques,
It is my understanding that Bentley is busy working on a new and improved version of their consumer CDs. The expectations are that it will be a much better product... and some sort of credit will likely be given to current CD owners who want to  upgrade.

Like yourself, I prefer a paper manual while working on the car...
HTH< Chris Miller, Windham NH, c1j1miller at
'91 200q20v ==>

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