timing belt issues

kbogach kbogach at home.com
Sat Apr 7 01:52:55 EDT 2001

You don't have remove 4 smaller bolts to remove pulley.
I don't understand how it is possible to remove large bolt without special
tool (2084) using hand tools. If you use power tools then it is possible. I
saw how mechanic held crank pulley with the wrench for cam gear (used on
some cars) while another mechanic used an air gun.  The wrench is like a
crescent with handle attached at the middle of the it and 2 pins on  both
ends of crescent. They had to grind the pins to fit inside the pulley recess
(where bolt is).

Konstantin Bogach.

----- Original Message -----
From: James Russell <jbr at montana.edu>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 9:36 PM
Subject: timing belt issues

> Did some work today.  I got to the point where I need to remove the
> connected to the crankshaft. There are four hex bolts and one large bolt
> that are at the end of the pulleys.  I tried getting the hex bolts out and
> no luck, then I tried to get the large center bolt out, and no luck.  I
> tried three impact wrenches and nothing.
> I am rather ticked and was hoping for someone to tell me the trick and
> brighten my day.  There aren't many foreign auto shops here in Bozeman but
> there is the dealer, and I don't know if they would remove that center
> bolt, then when I want to put it back on, take it back there to have them
> install it.
> Thank in advance
> Brad Russell
> 1984 4ksq

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