paging all petrochemical wonks
sholtby at
Sun Apr 8 23:10:25 EDT 2001
I too have been interested to know the difference between Dexron 1 2 and
I have tried typing Dexron in a search engine which has taken me to
various oil companies site but I cannot find a conclusive answer.
It appears to be that Dexron has improved in quality/performance from 1 to
3. The fluid I think is all the same viscosity. But if Dexron 2 is
specified you may use either 2 or 3 but not 1.
The recommended fluid for your car is Dexron 2.
I suppose it is like brake fluid where DOT3 fluid is recommended but DOT 4
is better.
But the question now is why do shops sell Dexron 1 and 2 and DOT 3 brake
fluid when they only need to stock the higher quality Dexron 3 and Dot 4
I always buy my lubricants from the Audi main dealer as they are good
quality (Esso/Exxon) and cheap.
( 6 GBP standard, 9 gbp semi synthetic, 9 gbp turbo diesel, 17 gbp fully
synthetic. All 5 litres)
Simon Holtby
--- William Magliocco <magliocc at> wrote: > Ok, straighten my
> Car is a '93 100 FWD a/t, type CDT
> I wish to drain what I can from the slushbox & refill.
> When I did this with my '86 and used Mobil 1 ATF I
> trashed the darn thing. Regulars may recall this
> episode last year. I still think the synthetic
> cleaned out the crud that acted as a seal. It sure
> found its way into the diff.
> Yesterday, I came across a Quaker State ATF
> specifically mentioning Audi & VW on the label. It is
> Dexron II! Yes, II, not III.
> Product information is at
> and click on "special import ATF"
> What IS the big difference between Dex II and Dex III?
> Is Dex III thinner (would leak more on an old car)?
> What sayeth the gallery before I buy this stuff? What
> did Audi recommend, and no, I can't seem to find that
> simple information in my Bentley set for the C4
> chassis.
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