paging all petrochemical wonks

William Magliocco magliocc at
Sun Apr 8 08:27:36 EDT 2001

Ok, straighten my ignorance:

Car is a '93 100 FWD a/t, type CDT

I wish to drain what I can from the slushbox & refill.
 When I did this with my '86 and used Mobil 1 ATF I
trashed the darn thing.  Regulars may recall this
episode last year.  I still think the synthetic
cleaned out the crud that acted as a seal.  It sure
found its way into the diff.

Yesterday, I came across a Quaker State ATF
specifically mentioning Audi & VW on the label.  It is
Dexron II!  Yes, II, not III.

Product information is at

and click on "special import ATF"

What IS the big difference between Dex II and Dex III?
 Is Dex III thinner (would leak more on an old car)?

What sayeth the gallery before I buy this stuff?  What
did Audi recommend, and no, I can't seem to find that
simple information in my Bentley set for the C4

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