Subject: RainX - another testimonial

StevieK1 at StevieK1 at
Sun Apr 15 00:32:28 EDT 2001

In a message dated 04/14/2001 11:08:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
sjensen at writes:

<< Worked well for a day, then sucked mightily with the smearing. >>

In my own personal experience over the last several years of use, I would 
have to say that RAIN-X works well for about 2 weeks, under normal, Spring 
season rainy conditions, then starts to smear and attract the black residue 
from the wipers, especially if the wipers are newer! 

There is another Off-Brand product that claims to do the same as Rain-X 
(can't remember the name) but it works better and not any smearing. I think 
it was in a red bottle with blue lettering. Saw it at Trak Auto a few months 
back out here on the East Coast. I'll try to find it and report back to the 
list. It was cheaper, too!

[FOG-X, in the black bottle, works GREAT on my swimming goggles, for whatever 
that's worth!! Not much use for swimming goggles while driving, however! 
Maybe one of you Cabrio owners might like it!]

Steve K.
1990 V8Q  143k
1990 100    150k
1997 Chevy Suburban 56k

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