Wheel question for newbie

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Mon Apr 16 18:24:55 EDT 2001

Oh My God. Does Audi feel it's assembly line workers are THAT blind or
stupid! (I'd bet liability laws end as the car rolls off the assembly


On Mon, 16 Apr 2001 09:16:23 -0400 Kneale Brownson
<knotnook at traverse.com> writes:
>At 08:58 AM 04/16/2001 -0400, Michael Guidotti wrote:
>>Just out of curiousity does anyone know why Audi and several other 
>>companies use bolts instead of a stud and nut setup??
>Supposedly, it's because lug bolts can only go on one way.  Lug nuts 
>can be 
>put on in a reverse manner, in which case they would not seat properly 
>the depressions in the wheel.

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