uprated wishbone bushes pt2

alan pritchard alanthecelt at alanthecelt.screaming.net
Wed Apr 18 00:36:47 EDT 2001

right, thatswhat i figured that the plastic should be the same length as the
44mm sleeve, is that what yours are like javad? im not sure about making the
internal metal sleeve an interferance into the plastic seems the wrong way
about things, as i see it the metal sleeve should stay stationary to the
subframe, the plastic outer bush should stay stationary relative to the
wishbone, the only movement should be between the sleeve and bush.
therefore i think i may have made a balls up of the imperial-metric
conversion,  although the original email was easy to interperate.  so its
agreed that the plastic bush should extend to run against the subframe to
prevent forward/aft movement.  i shall washer it out  with polypropolene
tomorrow then.  still the car handles better!!!

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