My 200 quattro got towed! Any damage?

William Ng willng at
Thu Apr 19 12:57:13 EDT 2001

I awoke to find my car snatched from our lot by the towing company hired by 
our condo management. These bastards take our cars from our condo lot for 
the littlest infraction of the draconian parking rules and hold them ransom 
for $100 a pop. Mine was for parking in the visitors' space more than 4x 
this month!
Great racket!

But enough ranting....

My concern is that could they have damaged the quattro drivetrain by towing 
the car for 4 miles? It was not on a flatbed, I'm sure of that. I'm already 
down $175 from last month.


William Ng...........willng at, MA USA
"Never knock on death's door, ring the doorbell and run away..."
"he just hates that."

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