RE71, RE730, YokoAVSi for '88 80Q?

Tessie McMillan tessmc at
Sat Apr 21 09:00:54 EDT 2001

My apologies if this topic has been covered! I haven't been able to pay too
much attention to the digest lately.

Thursday night as I went around boosting the psi on my Bridgestone RE71's in
preparation for Friday's first-of-the-season lapping day, I discovered a
large nail in the angle of the sidewall of my right rear tire. That nail
wasn't there the day before, and the pressure was down quite a bit. Sigh. At
9:00 p.m., I had few options.(I ended up just working the event and a friend
let me drive his 944 S2 during open session at the end of the day -- so the
day wasn't a total bust!)

Since all four of my tires are getting down there anyway, I think I'd prefer
to replace all of them, and not just the rear two to get rid of the nail. So
I could switch to a different tire at this time.

My Alfa 164-driving friends are pressuring me to put Yokohama AVS
intermediates on my Quattro with the idea that this is a good track/street
tire. I recently bought the Yokos for my Alfa Spider and am unhappy with
them, but I think this is because I selected a 205 instead of a 195 -- and
the tire is just too wide for my lightweight little manual-steering baby.
But I've really been happy with my RE71s (drove them for a few years on an
'87 911 Carrera as well, but only at autocross; we used R1s at the track)
although I still don't know how they'd behave on Quattro on the track. I've
also seen comments on the RE 730 on Tire Rack's web site, and although the
comments look pretty positive, I don't see any evidence of track driving
with these tires.

Any BTDTs/opinions of these tires? I'm running 15" BBS wheels, and this car
is my standard grocery-gitter as well... although... I do alternate between
Spider and Q-car... &:-)

Thanks for any help!

in Seattle, WA U.S.A.

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