engine cleaning: correction

Konstantin Bogach kbogach at home.com
Sat Apr 21 22:28:20 EDT 2001


thank you for your response.  I don't believe oil additives are
affective. Water injection is another thing. I know local mechanic who
does this service.  I just forgot about it.  I will call him on Monday.

Konstantin Bogach.

Frederick Smith wrote:

> There are some carbon removal chemicals and application systems
> available for this problem. The Audi dealers were performing
> this service on some V6 motors that never hit the open road
> very often in their use. Water injection cleans the pistons and
> valves as well. Ever see the cylinders that have a coolant leak
> due to a bad headgasket?? They look brand new, clean as a whistle.
> Check your auto supply stores or your GM dealer, they have a carbon
> remover additive.
> Smitty

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