Audi 100 power sunroof and window woes

Angelina Lopez lopezlundquist at
Sun Apr 22 17:12:28 EDT 2001

I recently purchased a 1991 Audi 100 (non-Quattro),
and I've had problems with the power windows and
sunroof. The sunroof is now stuck halfway open with no
response from the switch, which still glows. I'm
guessing it's one of three things: a fuse, a wire or a
motor. Trouble is, I don't have any documentation to
tell me which fuses correspond to which functions. So,
two questions:

1. Can anyone share some experiences with a similar
problem and how you resolved it?

2. Does anyone know where to get a cheap version of
the Audi repair manual? The cheapest I've found it is
$135 on

Thanks from a first-time list poster. This is a great
- Peter

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