Leigh Anderson
leigha at teleport.com
Sun Apr 22 21:51:05 EDT 2001
********AVUS & RS2-Parts Group Purchase v1.0, 4-22-01**********
1.. AVUS 17x8 wheel
2.. RS2 Exhaust Cam
3.. TT 9-spoke 18x8 wheel
Well, it's 2001, and time for another Audi Euro-parts Group Purchase (GP) import project. There are already over 20 AVUS-interested people on my list, from UrS-cars, newer A6, and '91-200Q communities. Details below.
NOTE: ALL PRICES include both international shipping AND domestic shipping to your doorstep anywhere in contiguous 48 states.
*****AVUS 17x8 WHEEL = $355/wheel DELIVERED*****
= $1,420 for 4 wheels, $1,775 for 5 wheels
##Note: for comparison, the average of all the BBS 17x8, 5x112et35, non-chrome wheels on Tire Rack is $430, not including UPS delivery, so the AVUS is about $80 less than the average BBS.
##Note: Price includes center cap
##Note: This wheel appears similar to the S4tt wheel, but is 35 offset instead of 45, and is a critical ½" wider. It also provides the most clearance for BIG brakes of ANY 17" wheel on the planet! Is immensely strong, forged wheel; ie dent-resistant for rough roads and low-profile tires. One example of vicious-rumble-strip incident at PIR where race-car's coilover suspension broke, but AVUS wheel was still perfect.
##Note: Includes enhanced packaging vs. the Y2K AVUS GP (eg added plastic wrap around wheel, extra over-size box _over the OEM box with extra packing-cushion materials, etc.)
##Note: Euro Part #s: 4B3 601 025B Z17 wheel, 8D0 601 165E Z17 cap
##Note: Fits UrS-cars, A6 old and new platform, '91-200Q, others? 35 offset, 5x112 bolt pattern
##Note: There are a number of factors why we can't duplicate last year's spectacular AVUS price: (1. a 13.7% price increase from Audi, even after good discount, (2. international shipping rates increased 2.1X! (not a typo!), (3. currency risk is on USA end this time, (4. various shipping/handling misc. fees went up a bit, (5. UPS-gorilla-resistant extra packaging cost DM30 per unit, (6. UPS rates went up, (7. Higher insurance levels, etc.) Dang, don't you wish you went for it last year!
*****RS2 EXHAUST CAM = $595 DELIVERED *****
##Note: USA Dealer price for _stock cam = $886 list or $797 with quattro list 10% discount, not including UPS.
##Note: Euro Part#: 034 109 022 F For I5-20V (UrS-car, '91-200Q at least):
##Note: look in s-car archives for testimonials for the various levels of tune, don't ask me, I have no data.
*****TT-9-SPOKE-WHEEL: 18x8, 5x100 bolt circle, for TT. = $685 DELIVERED *****
##Note: 18x8, 5x100 bolt circle, for TT. Will not fit Audi sedans/avants.
##Note: Includes enhanced, tough Packaging (same as AVUS wheel)
##Note: Includes center cap
##Note: Yes Audi's price is pretty dear for these 18"ers. But they look WAY cool and you can't get 'em in USA, so they will be pretty exclusive and unique in your area. (or buy USA-available Audi-logo-BBS 18x8 RCII wheels are $695 for comparison, and gee you get to look like all the rice-boys with BBS-style wheels! ;-)
##Note: Euro Part #: 8N0 601 025J Z17
==============Other Notes and Terms & Conditions============
## Note: Decided not to import the Audi RS2 MAF, the Bosch Part # 0280213017 for 1992-95 Porsche 968 ~$270 is available at local USA dealers that carries Bosch, which is less than we could import it for.
##Note: If you can do a will-call pickup in Seattle regards the wheels, contact me for details and a lower price due to domestic shipping savings. The smaller MAF and/or EC aren't worth the bother by themselves.
##Note: If any GP item gets real popular and we overrun the stock available in Europe, the first-checks-in-first-served rule will resolve who gets the available units. (In the Y2K GP, we ordered a whole lot of AVUS wheels and it was a bit of a challenge for the to fulfill the order in one go.)
##Note: If you live in Canada, the best thing is to arrange for a fellow audi lister in a USA border state to take delivery for you and go get 'em. USA-Canadian import/shipping is a royal PIA.
##Note: Delivery to other countries. Don't even ask! However, I'll give you tips on your own GP's.
##Note: If you're wanting to order other RS2 parts, especially turbos and exhaust manifolds through me. The answer is no, I choose not to compete with scarce I5-20V tuners that we should be supporting IMHO. (I bought my very nice extrude-honed EM from Ned at IA; Old Lehman turbo bought used from a fellow s-car guy.)
##Note: I reserve the option to offer a somewhat lower AVUS price to four people who had UPS damage their wheels in the Y2K GP and UPS failed to compensate. If you have a problem with this, contact me.
##Note: Unlike Y2K, I couldn't negotiate the source price being fixed in US$, so there is a modest amount of DM currency risk hedge built into the price to protect my family's fiscal health from getting burned. If the exchange rate of DM/USD goes above 0.50 I reserve the right to ask for a few more $ and you agree to pay it or find an alternate buyer, and if the rate goes < 0.40 I am willing to refund some rate-computed $ on your request. As of 4/19, exchange rate was 0.457.
##Note: Both international and domestic shipment will be fully insured; actually over-insured for domestic so there is enough $ to special-order a replacement in case a UPS fork-lift driver has a manic episode.
##Note: Risk of damage incurred during domestic shipment is a matter for you and UPS to work out and be responsible for. Enhanced packaging leaves UPS no wiggle room for excuses this time, and will be insured high enough for special replacement orders from Germany.
##Note: If you decide to back out for some reason after committing payment, you are responsible for obtaining a refund by finding a replacement buyer, with my networking assistance.
100% Pre-payment only. Personal checks, PayPal.com (leigha at teleport.com, Anderson), or bank-checks.
Personal checks not an option as we get within final 7 days of closing off orders deadline.
Make checks out to my doing-business-as name "Quattro International."
Lets target GP orders to me no later than Saturday, May 25th, This may be extended 1-2 weeks if we haven't got minimum volume yet). I leave for Germany on June 10.
(GP Purchase Order executed to Germany ASAP following close of order period. (½ payment is wired to Germany at that time; ½ payment will be wired on receipt of shipment in USA warehouse)
Purchase Order date above + 6-12 weeks is estimated range. Seafreight is the big variable.
1. A euro s-car lister is a friend of the source and can expedite in Germany as needed.
2. I can get eyeball-to-eyeball with the freight-forwarder once the container arrives, which is why I'm spec'ing the int'l delivery be within 3 hrs of where I live, even though its not the optimized center of the country geographically. Risk reduction is worth it.
3. I am going to Germany and expect to meet with the GP 2001 supplier.
5. I've handled large international GP transaction last year successfully. Lessons have been implemented, such as extra packaging against UPS gorillas and vibration in rail cars. Enhanced insurance, etc.
6. If you need references, I am fairly well known on the s-cars list, am a Quattro club member for quite a few years, and volunteer driving instructor for the Pacific NW Q club.
AVUS 17x8 Wheel & Center Cap as described on www.urs4.com ( see >technical>wheels>7th wheel>review-here) for now, a special GP page will be up later
TT 9-Spoke 18x8 (5x100) wheel pic will be on www.urs4.com on a new GP page by end of week of 4/23. Email me for a pic in the meantime.
The tire on my AVUS-equipped '92 S4 with Eibach springs are Bridgestone SO-2 PP's at the UrS4/S6 s-car list standard 245/40-17. Several AVUS buyers mounted 255/40-17's with good results on both UrS6 and A6-4.2. Also, note that the 2000 Euro S6 17x8 AVUS _factory tire _is a 255. Do not go below 245 imho.
Your guess is as good as mine. I'm not a TT guy, but my best friend asked me to include these wheels for his TT, and he lets me drive his race car, so how could I refuse? ;-)
REQUIRED: PRINT this entire email, in case I rev the offer or terms and conditions, SIGN it and snail-MAIL it to me. Hardcopy signature required. Please write legibly or type your info.
===== RS2-Parts + AVUS + TT 9-Spoke WHEEL GP ORDER FORM =======
Your Name:
Your Address:
Work Ph:
Home Ph:
Cell Ph:
Ship-To Name if Different:
Ship-To Address:
Ship-To Ph:
Qty $
AVUS Wheels ______ ____________
RS2 Exhaust Cam: ______ ____________
RS2 Vol. Air Meter: ______ ____________
TT-9-Spoke Wheels: ______ ____________
TOTAL $: ___________
I , (sign here) ______________________, understand and agree to this entire
GP document including Terms & Conditions.
I, (sign here)_______________________ will be patient and not bitch at Leigh if things outside of his control delay delivery. (The first rule of international business is patience, and KNOW that there will be delays due to accumulating the inventory, repackaging in Germany, seafreight, clearing Customs, Freight-forwarding in USA, UPS, etc.)
Mailing address for ordering is below.
Make checks to "Quattro International", my dba
or note the PayPal execution date here: _____________
Leigh Anderson, (Quattro International)
10155 SW Riverwood Ln.
Tigard, OR 97224
email: home: leigha at teleport.com, work: leigh_anderson at mentor.com (use both for most rapid response)
======== send this entire email hardcopy, with your check (or PayPal noted) ============
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