5 cyl turbo mpg

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Mon Apr 23 16:49:00 EDT 2001

I don't know if it an engine efficiency issue, a gearing issue or a 
slippery body design issue, but I routinely got better mileage with my 5ktq 
than with either of our 4kq's

At 01:27 PM 04/23/2001 -0500, Roa, Greg wrote:

>A question that may make me sound stupid.
>If I perform a turbo swap on my 4kq, will the gas mileage decrease if I
>drive off boost most of the time?
>Obviously, the gas mileage will get worse, if I am heavy on the accelerator,
>but in off boost situations, will the gas mileage be better or worse than
>the JT 5 cyl?
>Of course, if I do the swap, I'm sure that I will have quite a bit of
>trouble keeping off boost, but just for info..  : )
>Greg Roa
>Cincinnati, OH
>86' 4kcsq
>93' 90CS
>83' 944

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