5 cyl turbo mpg

Bernard Littau bernardl at acumenassociates.com
Mon Apr 23 14:25:26 EDT 2001

I would go with the slippery body design.  The 5k was a bit of a landmark in
this regard in the early 80's.


The 4kq, (especially the 4ktq :-) really rocks in the twisties and at lower
speeds, but once the speeds get up there the 5ktq will outrun the less
aerodynamic 4k.


Bernard Littau
Woodinville, WA
'88 5ktq

> I don't know if it an engine efficiency issue, a gearing issue or a
> slippery body design issue, but I routinely got better mileage with my
> than with either of our 4kq's

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