4kq air conditioning

Richard J. Andrews tech at flashmail.com
Mon Apr 23 15:54:52 EDT 2001

Mine is doing the same thing...
it appears low on freon when i jumper it...
low pressure reads 30 @idle, 150 high...
when i rev it up to 2000RPM drops below 10       on the low side and high 
side barely climbs...
seems low to me...
probably what's wrong..
i'll find out after i top it off i suppose..


At 02:23 PM 4/23/01 -0400, you wrote:
>On my 86' 4kq, the air conditioning will not turn on.  I believe the system
>is leaky, and it is low on freon.  Question is, when the air conditioning
>switch is turned on, the switch lights up, and I can hear the engine speed
>up.  I know the car is supposed to do this, but the clutch for the
>compressor does not engage, and the radiator fan does not turn on either.
>Would the low pressure switch cause this behavior, or is this something
>Greg Roa
>Cincinnati, OH
>86' 4kcsq
>93' 90CS
>83' 944

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