HELP: injector air shroud cone came off

Joshua Van Tol josh at
Wed Apr 25 18:22:58 EDT 2001

>Oh....pull the intake manifold, you have no choice....
>In a message dated Wed, 25 Apr 2001 11:01:31 AM Eastern Daylight 
>Time, Konstantin Bogach <kbogach at> writes:
><< Javad,
>probably I explained not right but what is stuck in the head is plastic
>cone(lower insert, according to ETKA)  which is snaped onto brass insert(upper

Why not try fishing it out with a dental pick? Alternately, you could 
probably crush it up with a screwdriver, and push it into the intake. 
It's only plastic, and will be harmlessly passed through the engine, 
albeit maybe causing a miss for a minute or two till it is thoroughly 
munched up.
Joshua Van Tol -- josh at

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