HELP: injector air shroud cone came off

Bob Rossato bob.rossato at
Wed Apr 25 19:33:30 EDT 2001

How about using a stiff wire, like a coat hanger or 14 ga. solid wire, and
bending a small hook on the end. Then insert it through the opening in the
end of the lower insert and hook onto the edge so you can pull it out.
There is the possibility that it will crumble from being brittle, in which
case you might be back to removing the manifold, but it is worth a try.


> Oh....pull the intake manifold, you have no choice....
> Javad
> In a message dated Wed, 25 Apr 2001 11:01:31 AM Eastern Daylight
> Time, Konstantin Bogach <kbogach at> writes:
> << Javad,
> probably I explained not right but what is stuck in the head is plastic
> cone(lower insert, according to ETKA)  which is snaped onto brass
> insert(upper
> insert).
> Konstantin Bogach.

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