'89 200, the good, the bad, and the ugly

Calvin Krug ckrug at laf.cioe.com
Wed Apr 25 19:36:33 EDT 2001

The good news:  I got the 200 started last night, and when I got to 
work this morning, had no fault codes.

The bad news:  I was an hour late this morning, because she was still 
very hard to start.  The plugs were wet, and once I removed and dried 
them, it seemed to help.   and this leads to......

The ugly:  after work, when I have some light, I pull the plugs 
again, and look into the cylinder bores.  There's coolant in 1,2,and 
4, which causes me to utter a few things that I won't repeat here. 
What bothers me is that the head was just crack checked, decked, and 
reinstalled with new bolts within the last year.
Is it possible that the head bolts have worked loose or one has 
broken?  or am I looking at A Very Bad Thing?  Please tell me it's 
something simple.

Calvin Krug
just when I thought it was safe to go back in the garage

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