'89 200, the good, the bad, and the ugly

Pat Korach tm2 at zipcon.net
Thu Apr 26 00:03:39 EDT 2001


You could perform a cylinder leak down test on each cylinder.  This is
accompished be applying a constant amount of air pressure to each
This will determine how good your rings/valves are sealing plus also you
can track down
where any coolent leakage is coming from.  This is provided that the
leaks are
in the combustion chamber /cylinder part of the engine.  Make sure you
are on
the compression stroke and the valves are closed at the time.

Hope this help.

Pat Korach
Kirkland, WA

Calvin Krug wrote:

> The good news:  I got the 200 started last night, and when I got to
> work this morning, had no fault codes.
> The bad news:  I was an hour late this morning, because she was still
> very hard to start.  The plugs were wet, and once I removed and dried
> them, it seemed to help.   and this leads to......
> The ugly:  after work, when I have some light, I pull the plugs
> again, and look into the cylinder bores.  There's coolant in 1,2,and
> 4, which causes me to utter a few things that I won't repeat here.
> What bothers me is that the head was just crack checked, decked, and
> rei

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