FW: Michele Alboreto fatally injured during testing

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Thu Apr 26 10:46:38 EDT 2001

> Whoa, what a Shock! My reaction must have been something like what was
> felt when Gilles Villenuve (sp?) was lost. My condolences to 
> his family, another great one is lost to us. 

... I agree.  For me it is made all the more poignant because of the fact
that it wasn't that long ago that I saw him up close and personal at the
ALMS race at Laguna ... from that experience I got the feeling that he was a
true gentleman.  I forwarded the message originally without comment because
I really couldn't think of anything to say, just to pass the notice along.
I too offer my deepest condolences to Michele's family and friends ...

Does anyone else seem to notice that the fatality rate in the upper echelons
of motorsports seems to have increased in the past few years?  I don't have
the numbers, and it could well be a mistaken impression due to all the press
about the things that motorsports is doing to make racing safer ... 

The other thing that this event brings home to me is the fact that while
very few of us are involved in motorsports directly, when we take similar
risks we should remember how easy it is to pay the "ultimate price" and what
the overall effects would be should that happen ...

... be careful out there!

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

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