4kcsq performance questions

Richard J. Andrews tech at flashmail.com
Thu Apr 26 17:24:13 EDT 2001

cheap power...
go out and find a 2.3 motor in an 80/90 or 87 1/2 CGT or late model 5000...
buy the cam for $50 or whatever the wrecking yard will let it go for..

trust me ..
no my old 4kq with the free flowing exhaust this cam helped quite a bit...
and that's the cheapest upgrade.

'86 4kq

At 12:58 PM 4/26/01 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm trying to get more out of my 86 4kcsq.    I've installed a custom 
>exhaust from gorliech and am enjoying the HP boost but don't know the next 
>direction to go.    I've looked at throttlebodies, cam shaft kits, and 
>turbo charging.     Has anyone done this upgrades?    If so what was the 
>power gain?    Also with the turbo charging, is it even possible to find 
>an after market turbo charger that would fit this engine (2.2ltr 
>5cylinder)?    If so, where, and who makes it?   How tricky is the 
>installation?    I don't think I'm quite ready for the engine 
>transplant.    Any input would be greatly appreciated.
>~Chris Franz
>86 4kcsq
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