12v V6 Timing Belt Answers

Brian O'Neill briano_72 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 27 04:13:20 EDT 2001

if you've done a v8, you can do this with your eyes
closed, if not you may want to keep then open. the a6
is the easyiest of all audi timing belts, i think !!
there is sooooooo much room in the front of the motor
!!! and you dont have to deal with the big ugly crank
bolt!! as far as tools, you need the crank holding
tool and the cams holding tool, i have done them
without, but for a first timer, you may want to use
them. i think blau. rents them for a reasonable price.
just be very carefull when you take the allen bolts
out of the crank pulley !!!! the heads strip very
easyif your socket is not all the way in !! you want
to to the belt, tensioner, idler, water pump,
thermosat, and serp. belt and tensioner depending on
condition. i would guess the bentley would have the
best procedure for you, or use whatever you have. i
use a timing belt book, i could fax it to you if you'd
like. it has pictures and stuff !!! 

                                           brian o'
93 90 cs
90 80
89 80 
88 944 turbo s for sale
--- Todd Phenneger <tquattroguy at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Yea,
>   I actually want to do the timing belt on a 96'
> A6q.  If its as
> bad as the V8 I may not, but I'd like to after
> hearing the quote
> the dealer gave my dad.  Ouch, I have a shop that
> would cut that
> price down but still, if its reasonable I'd like to
> do it.
>   So, what do I need.  Parts, special tools, etc.
> Timing Belt.
> Water Pump?  (I'm assuming I want this one.)
> What Else?   Special toold, tensioners, etc?  Any
> pulleys, etc
> to replace?
>   Do I need the Bently or will a Haynes type manual
> do?  I'm
> very good with this stuff (did the turbo conversion
> OK) but at
> the same time, I'm not that familiar with the v6)
> Thanks
>   Todd
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