12 V6 Timing Belt Questions

Elliott Potter epotter at velotel.com
Fri Apr 27 14:01:02 EDT 2001

Todd Phenneger wrote:
> Yea,
>   I actually want to do the timing belt on a 96' A6q.  If its as
> bad as the V8 I may not, but I'd like to after hearing the quote
> the dealer gave my dad.  Ouch, I have a shop that would cut that
> price down but still, if its reasonable I'd like to do it.
>   So, what do I need.  Parts, special tools, etc.
> Timing Belt.
> Water Pump?  (I'm assuming I want this one.)
> What Else?   Special toold, tensioners, etc?  Any pulleys, etc
> to replace?
>   Do I need the Bently or will a Haynes type manual do?  I'm
> very good with this stuff (did the turbo conversion OK) but at
> the same time, I'm not that familiar with the v6)

There's a description of this procedure (not too hard, btw) at
http://eep.burdell.org/dev/12v/repairs/tbelt.php .

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