wastegate springs

omllenado omllenado at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 28 00:57:06 EDT 2001

well  'am kinda new to this...
what's FP relay?

Oliver M. Llenado
Homepage http://www8.ewebcity.com/omllenado

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nate Stuart" <nathan.stuart at maine.edu>
To: "omllenado" <omllenado at hotmail.com>; <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 11:29 PM
Subject: Re: wastegate springs

> Omitting original due to html formatting....
> Well, sorta. Depends on the car in question. Let's hear the specifics.
> assume it is a 5ktq for this post. Then you can either
> a) get a spring that'll keep you under 1.6 bar
> b) get a big, say 1.8bar, spring and manually ground the FP relay. Not
> safe, but it works. :)
> either way the car takes on a whole new personality with the stiffer
> With the 1.8 the boost comes on much quicker and lower in the revs (much
> less WG cracking) and pulls like a raped ape all the way through 5g's,
> you get the idea....
> Take care,
> -Nate
> '89 90q
> ex '87 5ktq w/1.8bar

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