Buzzing alternator??

Mike Arman armanmik at
Mon Apr 30 10:44:12 EDT 2001

Notice a buzzing noise in the radio when I first start the car. Goes away
in ten seconds or so, or after I rev the engine on engaging first or
reverse to drive off.

Alternator brushes dying? (Avi?)

And of course the various other problems type 44s are heir to mostly
present and accounted for (and fixed on an ongoing basis).

Someone around here (Daytona) has an 87 avant in the paper, asking $2,500,
ad didn't mention turbo, so it probably isn't, and another guy I know has a
bronze 89 avant, standard shift non-turbo non-Q which needs a rack, some
body work and other misc stuff, and he PAID $7,000 for it last year. He
wants to sell, but says "I know what I paid, and I'm not going to take a
big loss!" Ouch.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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