Lock on '91 200TQ driver door 'shot'

Barton Oleksy barto at nait.ab.ca
Fri Aug 3 11:43:16 EDT 2001

Kneale Brownson wrote:

> Sounds like the broken lever at the end of the lock cylinder
> syndrome.  Check Chris Miller's website
> :  http://members.aol.com/c1j1miller/index.html     put lock repair in the
> search box.

Thanks VERY much for the link...but that's a daunting-sounding/looking job for
me.  I guess I'll see how much the mechanic shop will gouge...I mean, charge
me.  Perhaps the giant savings will make me rethink it, but I've never done
anything like that on a car (or *anything*, for that matter) before.  Check
the oil (dipstick)?  Sure.  Change spark plugs?  Just about.  I'm even
considering *changing my own oil* one of these days...so that's why I'm easily
daunted, I guess!

But I'll keep those instructions handy and see if that'll help a mechanic or
someone who's so inclined.  Thanks!!


> At 06:08 PM 08/02/2001 -0600, Barton Oleksy wrote:
> >Turned the key in the driver's door lock the other day and I felt just a
> >little resistance and then *nothing*...now the key turns freely and
> >doesn't do anything.  I couldn't figure out how to search the archives
> >for this, so help with that or just directly with the problem & solution
> >is welcome.
> >
> >Thanks!!!
> >
> >Bart (Canada)
> >'91 200TQ
> >'89 200T
> >'86 CGT

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