86 URq with no barkes

Iain Atkinson iain.atkinson at tesco.net
Wed Aug 8 10:21:51 EDT 2001


think i am gonna replace the MC, the car had been sat around for 4 years and
done 400 miles only in that time, so i think maybe the seals have rotted
out, just glad it didn't happen on the road, that would have been scary.


-----Original Message-----
From: Huw Powell [mailto:audi at mediaone.net]
Sent: 08 August 2001 08:51
To: Iain Atkinson
Subject: Re: 86 URq with no barkes

yes... if the MC is leaking internally (which is the usual failure mode)
they do not "push" the brakes but there is also no external leak.

also see the post by the guy who said you may have sucked air in if you
closed the caliper pistons w/ a pliers (or etc.).  which I doubt you did

as I said and as you say, start with a nice simple bleeding experiment.

Iain Atkinson wrote:
> Where to start is the prob, like i say i have no fluid loss, will try a
> bleed tonight.
> Thanks
> Iain
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Huw Powell [mailto:audi at mediaone.net]
> Sent: 07 August 2001 23:57
> To: Iain Atkinson
> Cc: quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: 86 URq with no barkes
> this is a long shot, but maybe when you pushed the calipers in, the
> fluid going "against" the cups in the master cylinder wrecked them?  Now
> they do not "squish" the fluid when you press the pedal, they just move
> thru it?
> I would try opening a bleeder and pumping, such as you can, to see what
> happens.  Even the prop. valve bleeder, since it's easier to get to, to
> start with.
> Iain Atkinson wrote:
> >
> > Jim
> >
> > no nothing was undone regarding the lines etc, only reason i tok it
> > was check that pistons were not stuck and put some copperslip on the
> > and carriers. I undid the the cap on the brake fluid res, to allow the
> fluid
> > to go into res, like i have always done when i have changed pads etc on
> > other cars. Pumping pedal and turning s.wheel makes no difference,
> > eng running no difference. What have i done????
> > > i have a big problem, i took the pads and the caliper carriers off the
> > front
> > > brakes tonight and regreased them with brake grease pushed the pistons
> of
> > > the brake calipers back into the bores and pushed them out again, re
> > > assembled everything and the brake pedal is now on the floor and no
> > brakes.
> > > Any ideas on what the hell the prob is?????
> > >
> > > No fluid loss either.
> > >
> --
> Huw Powell
> http://www.humanspeakers.com/audi/
> http://www.humanthoughts.org/

Huw Powell



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