Carlsen discount

Kaklikian, Gary Gary.Kaklikian at
Thu Aug 9 11:51:26 EDT 2001

I've switched to Don McGill Audi in Houston.  They offer a 20% discount to
Quattro club members (which was closer to 35% compared to the inflated
prices a local dealer quoted me).  Call 800-237-1698 and ask for Mike.

> ----------
> From: 	mimyers at[SMTP:mimyers at]
> Sent: 	Wednesday, August 08, 2001 3:56 PM
> To: 	quattro at
> Subject: 	Carlsen discount
> Is anyone getting the same discount at Carlsen since Linda left?  I've
> ordered two different parts earlier this spring and about a month ago and
> was charged two different prices.  When I called about it, I was told the
> difference was aftermarket vs factory on the one, and the price was
> correct on the other, no logical reason given.
> Are the good times over?
>      -Mike

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