Auto Transmission Fluid replacement

rob hod rob3 at
Fri Aug 10 14:59:05 EDT 2001


    I'm about to replace the ATF in my '88 100 with the 087 tranny. I seem
to be one of the few with an auto box thats working just fine, and I want to
keep it that way.

    I've noticed a couple of remarks on the list that prompted a couple of

    1, The fluid presently in the 'box is a clear light brown colour. I'm
only used to seeing ATF in a rich red colour.
        Is there a chance that there's some exotic synthetic ATF in there,
or is it just ATf getting old and on its way to a dirty brown colour?

    2, Someone posted a comment about leaving out the screen filter , is
this desirable,  recommended,  or not ?

    thanks for any comments



  ( BTW  Thanks to those who helped me with my fuel injector price query,
i'm still working on it )

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