Aspirator motor project/broken glove compartment...

Stephen Ankney ankneys at
Tue Aug 14 03:13:33 EDT 2001

I spent an hour today laying on the floor of my car twisted up like a 
pretzel trying to replace the stupid aspirator motor located up under the 
dash. After finally getting the "new" one in and working, I went to attach 
the glove compartment. To my horror I noticed one of the mounting slide 
brackets on the glove box had broken off! Arrrghhh! Audi gods win again!

So now I need another glove box which is really not much of a problem as I 
can just go over to the local boneyard and pick one up. The problem with 
getting a new glove box is how do I remove the lock assembly from the old 
one so I can use it on the new one? I really need to have a lockable glove 
compartment. Any ideas? I just looked at it quickly before going to work and 
I did'nt see an easy way to disassemble...?

Steve Ankney
88 5000
Holland, MI

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