Gains to be had from cone filter on turbo cars?

Roa, Greg Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM
Tue Aug 14 12:00:48 EDT 2001

The following was reposted just yesterday on the Porsche 944 list.....
It was done on a WMB, but should be similar of course.


Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
86' 4kcsq
93' 90 CS
83' 944

Are "Performance" Air Filters a Good Idea?

The following information was taken from a posting by Jim Conforti (AKA the
Land Shark).  Jim is a well known tuner in BMW circles.  His web site is the
Bonneville Motor Werks.  The testing was done on a BMW air filter but the
concepts should apply to all manufacturers.

Comparing Stock to Performance Air Filters

First, a "prologue".  This was a scientific test, not one done by filter
manufacturer X to show that their filters are better than manufacturer Y.
The test results are pretty irrefutable as the test lab tests and designs
filters where "screw ups" are absolutely NOT allowable (I can't say any
more for security.  Think "Glow in the Dark").

OK, with that in mind, onward.

A scientific test was done on TEST filters where air was loaded with ACCTD
(some standardized "test dust" called AC Coarse Test Dust) and sucked
through the TEST filter then through an analysis membrane.

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