Oil stuff

Al Powell powellae at home.com
Tue Aug 14 21:54:20 EDT 2001

After reading the back and forth (including me) on Slick 50 and other oils, I 
will share my firm opinion on oil additives of any kind.  Personally, I do 
NOT and will NOT use them.  Why?

Oils are complicated in their chemistry.  There's a ton of stuff in there, 
and manufacturers spend huge sums of money trying to get their oils to 
perform as well and last as long and protect as well as they possibly can. 
 WHY would a dufus like me think that he can improve on that oil chemistry by 
dumping in any random combination of ju-ju oil that I buy at Wal-Mart for 
$2.50 for 12 ounces?????

My advice is to buy the best oil you can for your application (for me, I am 
100% convinced that it's synthetic, although friend Avi and I have had 
interesting discussions about this off-line), run it with no additives (it 
already has plenty, and they are actually designed to be there) and change it 
at reasonable intervals.  Nothing else is needed, and nothing you can add to 
it from the aftermarket is likely to do anything but screw up the performance 
that the oil was designed to achieve.

Audi lifters are notoriously noisy - but not after switching to synthetic 
oils. (Note gratuitous insertion of Audi content.)

Al Powell
Fort Collins, CO
powellae at home.com
cougfan1 at gocougs.wsu.edu

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