89 200 TQAVANT for sale (berkeley,ca) 6500 obo

jim rose sf5ktq at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 23 10:58:55 EDT 2001

hey all, just spotted a fine lookin' tqa for sale down the street from me. 
noone i know, and i didnt call, but thought if anyone's lookin, it looks 

RED, 89 200 tqa w/104k. 5 speed, foctory roof rails (yuck!) paint is 
excellent, 2 small push-in dents on pass side below rocker. not major. sign 
in window says 6500 or best offer.

car is in very nice, unmolested condition. no drips or leaks i could see, 
underside is not cal-car clean, may have come from east coast/snowbelt. grey 
leather in excellent shape (as much as i could see peering thru windows.

the body/paint is in fabulous shape, aside from the 2 minor dents, which 
look as if they could be dent-wizarded or an esay body shop repair.

anyway, i didnt grab a number, tho i did take a hard look at it. it looks as 
if its been sitting for a while, i would be happy to grab a number/check 
itout, etc, if anyone were interested...  if i had a few sheckles id buy it 
tomorrow (anyone want an 88 5000 tq sedan? - goin' CHEAP! :)


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