New battery time

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Fri Aug 24 15:17:56 EDT 2001

If you're planning on replacement every three years, it doesn't matter much 
where you buy or what "brand".  Just make sure it's a vented battery going 
under your back seat.

At 02:17 PM 08/24/2001 +0000, scott miller wrote:

>My K-mart battery lasted 3 years, time for a new one.  $39.95 at K-mart 
>(Exide) or $49 at Sams (Interstate).  Any better deals out 
>there?  Hopefully this won't re-ignite the annual thread on who makes the 
>better battery, I'll be happy if it lasts another 3 years at that 
>price.  Thanks
>Scott Miller
>'90 200tqw
>Holland, MI
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