CIS turbo power/boost limits

Sheffield Corey shefs_audi at
Fri Aug 24 15:30:22 EDT 2001

I seem to remember a thread back in the early/mid 90's that the CIS
itself was good for in excess of 300HP, but the injectors themselves
couldn't flow enough. I believe that the solution was a Mercedes Benz
injector that would fit our heads, but flowed more. I think that there
was a M-B part number may want to check the archives on



>What did this guy do to get 300+ hp from a 5000 tq?? I
>remember some of the pictures that accompanied this
>article in European Car several year ago. I nice blue
>painted engine. I distinctly remember seeing the CIS
>fuel meter and lines.

>Any older listers remember this car and how he managed
>to up the HP over the so-called 250-275 HP limit ??
>Dual fuel meters perhaps ??

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