Rear Diff. Mount - 1990 Coupe Quattro

JimJfraser at JimJfraser at
Mon Aug 27 20:27:05 EDT 2001

A question for those familiar with rear diff mounts...

I need the rear mount for the rear diff.  Not the two on the sides,
but the one pressed into an arm attached to the back of the diff.  

Bentley outlines replacement using a press, but the dealer says
'no - only the whole arm with the mount installed is available.'

Anyone know the correct p/n for the bushing only?  I got the one
Rod at Parts Connection recommended, 171 199 214D, but
found its bolt hole is way off center.  I don't think it's right.

I've heard of another bushing, 893 599 381.  Anyone know if
that's the one, and who has it available?

Any help appreciated.  Please copy to jfraser at,
because I never get to check this AOL account.

Thanks very much!
Jim Fraser
1990 CQ

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