new virus...NAC

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at
Tue Dec 4 14:42:07 EST 2001

			Virus Update:

			A new virus is being propagated throughout the
country.  The W32.Goner.A at mm is a mass mailing worm/virus spread by
attempting to email itself to all contacts in the Microsoft Outlook address
book.   This worm will attempt to delete antivirus software and will attempt
to delete files from several folders including essential files in your
Windows/System folder.

			This virus/worm will appear as follows:

				Subject:  Hi

				How are you ?
				When I saw this screen saver, I immediately
thought about you.
				I am in a harry, I promise you will love it!

				Attachment:  gone.scr

I got this at work and thought I would pass this on

86 5ktq
89 200tqa

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