[urq] request for comments - audifans.com 20th anniversary shirt

G Johnson gregsj2 at attbi.com
Thu Dec 6 07:04:05 EST 2001


The only thing you have told me is that you know nothing about trademark

Greg J

Bill Bennett wrote:

> I liked the first part of your post, the later smells like lawyer
> urine, a most offensive odour, worse than a skunk, hopefully Audi will
> realize listers sell more Audis than any ad, and their lawyers will
> bugger off, bet you a buck Two fifty the list does not hear a peep
> from Audi when the shirt comes out, if Audi was smart they would order
> a 1000 of them( the new shirt design) and sell it with a special
> edition A-4, an A-4 with a cool t- shirt, and a matching back
> pack,maybe a soft bag thing, and with a factory roof rack, with at
> least a 1.8 t, hmm or the 2.7 twin turbo, naw, just the 1.8 t the
> 2.7tt would be to many dollars, but what the hell, if lawyers are
> involved, who cares about cost eh? I better go or I will have to use
> the sphall chuck thang to complete this message :-) Bill

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