stupid car tricks

Sheffield Corey shefs_audi at
Thu Dec 6 18:48:21 EST 2001

Hi Calvin,

This reminds me of the time 3 years ago when the "shorty" antenna on my
5kCSQ started going up and down all by its lonesome. I'd turn the radio
off, get out of the car and walk away only to come back later and find
the antenna up?!?!? Finally, it did it one day as I was walking away...
I unplugged the rascal. Probably a diode going south. In your case it
sounds like moisture in something:-(

Good luck,


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Calvin Krug <ckrug at>
> To: Quattro list <quattro at>
> Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 2:16 PM
> Subject: stupid car tricks
> OK, it's really time for me to sell my 200, as it is behaving quite
> strangely.
> Yesterday, I was running some errands at lunch.  I pulled into the
> parking lot, shut off the car, and tried to get out. The doors were
> locked... wouldn't unlock at the knob.  I rolled down the window,
> tried it with the key in the door lock - nothing.  Put the key back
> in the ignition, start the car, try the locks one last time, and just
> the front doors unlock.  After buying the stuff I need, I come back
> out, and now it won't start. It cranks, but doesn't fire. After about
> ten minutes and a little shot of starting fluid, it goes.  End of the
> day, I want to go home, the doors are locked again, key in the
> ignition. Luckliy, windows are open.  Sometime overnight, in my
> garage, they locked one more time. I decide not to take any chances
> and drive my 4000 instead.  Anyone know how to remove evil spirits
> from german cars?  I really don't need this right now.
> Calvin K.

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